Anne Ross Oliva, Artist


Moon ll


Moon l


Father Christmas


Father Christmas ll


Caged Heart


Traveling Man


Falling Star ll


Father Christmas lll


Falling Star l


Father Christmas Vl


Father Christmas V


Father Christmas lV


Father Christmas lX


Father Christmas Vlll


Father Christmas Vll


Father Christmas Xll


Father Christmas Xl


Father Christmas X


Star l


Father Christmas XlV


Father Christmas Xlll


Star V


Star lV


Star lll

UPDATE: Many in the collection you see here are no longer available but there are many new ones I’ve seen recently and they are just beautiful!!!

Anne (Annie to me) Ross Oliva is my second cousin. I grew up visiting her family often in a small midwestern town in Illinois and have so many fond memories of those days. Right out of a story book – warm summer days, picnics and weenie roasts, lightning bugs, being pulled by Uncle Jim and his John Deere tractor, searching for just the right branch for s’mores by the fire, and laughter. Lots and lots of laughter.  And some of the best potato salad and baked beans you can imagine!

Uncle Jim, also an artist, is Annie’s dad. He was my mom’s uncle whom she absolutely adored. My mom’s Aunt Av, also a gem, was a nurse in WWII. They are all together again someplace smiling down on my beautiful cousin’s artwork. Every year she creates new pieces with a very unique style like I have never seen.

I got to catch up a bit with Annie and her 3 awesome brothers at a family wedding a few years ago. I haven’t laughed that much since. What an incredible family. Since I hadn’t been directly in touch with Annie for quite a few years I had no idea the extent of her abilities until I started seeing her pieces at other cousins’ homes. One Christmas I received one of them as a gift and although I’m sure it was not meant to be, it became our family’s treehopper!

It’s no surprise to me that Annie’s creations have a distinct whimsical character that brings a smile. I see Annie in them. I see Uncle Jim and Aunt Av in them. I even see my mom. And to view these very dimensional pieces in person is a whole different story. It’s really almost as though they are alive.

I am posting pictures of the collection here most of which are still available. But if you see one you love you’d better act fast. Annie will have the pieces available 2 weeks before Christmas at her Etsy page: Olivamoon. For now she can be reached directly at: Prices range from $50 to $300.

I am also including photos of Aunt Av & Uncle Jim. These two loving souls will forever have an impression on my heart whether through Annie’s beautiful expression or memories I will forever hold dear. They raised an incredible daughter and the most loving family. 317972_3721409047222_1404789047_n210016_1842789762914_612856_o