100% Natural and USDA Certified Organic Grapeseed Oil

It’s a long title, but I want to be sure you’re getting the name of the exact same product I am talking about. Only this version of grapeseed oil is getting a 5 Heart Rating since I have not tried the others. Maybe others are just as good. I don’t know.

About a year ago, I decided I wanted to find a nice facial moisturizer to keep up with the dry Southern California weather. As I researched numerous high-end, expensive facial care products, I realized there was a common ingredient in some of the most expensive, highly touted ones. The magic ingredient was grapeseed oil so I figured why not just use grapeseed oil on my face. I started researching grapeseed oils and came up with this one. Started using it, and haven’t looked back. I’ve given it to family members and they are just as happy as I am.

Keeping in mind personal care products are tricky since our bodies are all different, grapeseed oil may not be the answer you are looking for, but for $10 bucks, as opposed to $100+ dollars for facial moisturizers, I think it’s worth giving a try.

I put it on before I go to bed and apply every time I wash my face. Let me know what you think!

You can buy it in on Amazon. Here’s the link: