♥ What the heck is a 5 Heart Rating? ♥

"A real life is not getting what you want; the achievement, the privilege, too, is knowing what you love." ~ Marisa de los Santos

5 Heart Rating was created with the intent to bring only positive attention to people, places, and things in this world that have made that extra effort to be the very best they can possibly be.

Ryan Holiday’s 31 Lessons About Money

The below list was taken directly from Ryan Holiday's newsletter which you too can sign up for easily. If you're a reader like me, you'll definitely want to! (There's a link at the bottom if you'd prefer to go directly to the newsletter.) "Here are 31 lessons I've learned about money… –I've never met a person who ever reached 'their number.' You know, people say, 'When I hit $Xm, I'll be good.' They say, ‘Once I have X years salary in the bank, I'll be good.' No one ever seems to get to Read more [...]


I am obsessed with SeatGuru. I don't buy airline tickets and select seats until I thoroughly research the seat. This may seem a bit obsessive for some, but once I found this little tool, I never went back - to the seat that does not recline on a 14-hour flight, or a window seat with no window, or a seat right next to the restrooms, or a seat with no inflight entertainment screen, etc. The benefit is not only to those flying economy but I have found that one seat is definitely better than another Read more [...]

Being a Mom

Some of the very best of the best things in life can go unacknowledged. Being a mom is often one of them. Though I never EVER take my role of mother for granted, I seldom talk about the pure joy that comes from being a mom. So as Mother's Day is just days away, I want to talk about it and give it a well-deserved 5 Heart Rating. I just got off the phone with my son. When we talk, we almost always preceed the phonecall with a text confirming that we are both available because we know it won't Read more [...]

Mom, Share Your Life with Me (A Journal)

With Mother's Day approaching I thought I'd share one of, if not the, best gift I have ever received. My mom sent me the “Mom, Share Your Life with Me” journal as a gift many years ago. At the time I thought it was a cool gift but remember thinking how could I possibly add one more thing to my already full schedule writing everyday in this little book? But as the years passed I'd pull it out every now and then and write in it. I was trying to write on the actual date indicated in the calendar-like Read more [...]

Donna J Art

Still, when I need to use Donna's last name I hesitate because I know her as "Donna Honeysuckle" since we met at Honeysuckle Restaurant in Franklin, Tennessee and that's the way I put her number in my phone on that same night, with plans to get together again in the near future. Which we did. Many times. Really she's just "Donna" to me. But much more than that, she is an incredible artist, which I only came to know much later in our friendship. Ever since working at Disney World with guests from Read more [...]